About Us
Welcome to Nautilus.
Like Captain Nemo we’re embarked on a voyage into the wonders of the universe.
Our stories take you into the depths of science and spotlight its ripples in our lives and cultures. We believe any subject in science, no matter how complex, can be explained with clarity and vitality.
We venture into the fields of anthropology, geology, and paleontology. We infiltrate the labs of astronomy, genetics, and physics.
When science ventures into the arts, we follow. There’s a story in everything and we follow the story wherever it leads us.

Nicholas White
NautilusNext CEO
John Steele
Publisher and Editorial Director
Katherine Harmon Courage
Executive Editor
Liz Greene
Managing Editor
Kevin Berger
Editor at Large
Kristen French
Associate Editor
Brian Gallagher
Associate Editor
Tasnuva Elahi
Production Designer
Anna Badkhen
Contributing Editor
Brandon Keim
Contributing Editor
George Musser
Contributing Editor
Lina Zeldovich
Contributing Editor
David Agus
Professor of Medicine and Engineering at the University of Southern California
Bob Bazell
Adjunct Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Yale
Christina Beck
Head of Science & Corporate Communications, The Max Planck Society
Sean Carroll
Senior Research Associate, Department of Physics, California Institute of Technology
Jennifer Dunne
Professor and V.P. for Science, Santa Fe Institute
Josh Empson
Managing Director, Providence Equity Partners
Heinz Falk
Professor Emeritus of Organic Chemistry, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
Bran Ferren
Co-Chairman, Applied Minds
Stuart Firestein
Chairman of the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University
Jessica Flack
Professor and Director, Collective Computation Group, Santa Fe Institute
Peter Galison
Pellegrino University Professor in History of Science and Physics at Harvard University
Thomas Campbell Jackson
Venture Partner, Easton Capital Investment Group
Beth Jacobs
Managing Partner, Excellentia Global Partners
David Kaiser
Germeshausen Professor of the History of Science, MIT
Lisa Kaltenegger
Associate Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University and the Director of the Carl Sagan Institute
Sep Kamvar
The LG Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT and the Director of the Social Computing Group at the MIT Media Lab
David Krakauer
President, Santa Fe Institute
Ben Lamm
Founder and CEO of HyperGiant
Barnaby Marsh
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
Walter Murch
Film Editor, Director, Writer, and Sound Designer
Gayil Nalls
Artist, Philosopher, and Writer
Elisa New
Powell M. Cabot Professor of American Literature, Harvard
Gerry Ohrstrom
Private investor and producer. Former Chairman G.L. Ohrstrom & Co and the Ohrstrom Foundation
Jerry Sabloff
External Professor and Past President, Santa Fe Institute
Paula Sabloff
External Professor, Santa Fe Institute
Caleb Scharf
Director of Astrobiology, Columbia University
David Evans Shaw
Activist, Impact Investor, and Managing Partner of Black Point Group
Ian Tattersall
Curator Emeritus, American Museum of Natural History
Geoffrey West
Distinguished Professor and Past President, Santa Fe Institute
Carlie Wiener
Director of Communications & Engagement Strategy, Schmidt Ocean Institute