On May 31, Nautilus organized a live Tweetchat with Neil Harbisson, artist and subject of Sally Davies’ piece “Encounters With the Posthuman,” to talk about his third eye (it lets him hear colors), the benefits of being a cyborg, and why he wants to become one with machines. There were some great questions and enlightening answers; go to Storify to see the highlights of the chat pulled together in one place.
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In the Beginning, There Was Computation
Life is code, and code is life, in nature as it is in technology. -
How to Solve the Drone Traffic Problem
For a clear path, follow the birds. -
Who’s Smarter: AI or a 5-Year-Old?
A faceoff between the most advanced large language model and a regular kid. -
The Galaxies in Your Eyes
The eyes in deepfake photos give them away. -
A Snaky Use for CRISPR
Indiana Jones would love to hear about this new application for the gene-editing technology.