Elena Kazamia

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    From Rats to Riches

    How removing invasive species helped restore an island.

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    If Animals Could Talk

    A new art installation broadcasts the audiovisual worlds of dolphins, bats, snakes, and other animals.

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    The Wisdom of Fish Schools

    How animals—including us—outsource decision-making to a network.

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    The Most Unlikely Migration

    17 million insects cross the Pyrenees each year, with enormous impacts on the environment.

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    The Leather of the Future

    Your next jacket might be made of mushrooms.

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    Why Animals Run Faster than Robots

    The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

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    Sardines Are Feeling the Squeeze

    Climate change and overfishing are decimating sardines in the Philippines.

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    The Bacteria That Revolutionized the World

    How cyanobacteria killed one climate and created our habitable Earth.

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    Can Chatbots Hold Meaningful Conversations?

    Training AI to read novels might help.

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    How Much Carbon Can a Tree Really Store?

    A new study says climate change is messing with the math.