Katharine Gammon
You Are What Your Ancestors Didn’t Eat
The impact of famine may be written in the bodies of future generations
You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Light
A new way to deter Jaws.
The Mystery of the Cave Cats
Ice age skeletons could reveal secrets of small cat evolution.
The March of the Mushroom Robots
Scientists are making mycelia-machine hybrids that can crawl and roll.
Puberty Hasn’t Changed Since the Ice Age
The blueprint was set at least 25,000 years ago.
Falling Down a Rabbit Hole in Real Life
Neurologists are just beginning to understand Alice in Wonderland syndrome.
The Galaxies in Your Eyes
The eyes in deepfake photos give them away.
A Snaky Use for CRISPR
Indiana Jones would love to hear about this new application for the gene-editing technology.
We’re Polluting Our Forests—with Noise
Are hiking and biking incompatible with protecting wildlife?
A Crystal Ball for Evolution
Long-term evolution may be more predictable than we assumed.