Katharine Gammon

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    The Mystery of the Cave Cats 

    Ice age skeletons could reveal secrets of small cat evolution.

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    The March of the Mushroom Robots

    Scientists are making mycelia-machine hybrids that can crawl and roll.

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    Puberty Hasn’t Changed Since the Ice Age

    The blueprint was set at least 25,000 years ago.

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    Falling Down a Rabbit Hole in Real Life

    Neurologists are just beginning to understand Alice in Wonderland syndrome.

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    The Galaxies in Your Eyes

    The eyes in deepfake photos give them away.

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     A Snaky Use for CRISPR

    Indiana Jones would love to hear about this new application for the gene-editing technology.

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    We’re Polluting Our Forests—with Noise

    Are hiking and biking incompatible with protecting wildlife?

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    A Crystal Ball for Evolution

    Long-term evolution may be more predictable than we assumed.

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    Color-Coding Crops for Climate Change

    Novel ways to use gene-editing to make farming more sustainable.

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    The Age of Rebellion

    The surprising relationship between age and success in rebellions.