Nick Hilden
Life in an Atmospheric Zoo
Journalist Carl Zimmer tells the story of the science of aerobiology
Pico Iyer’s Wide-Awake Silence
The author on losing his home to wildfire, finding strength in solitude, and his new book Aflame
Breaking a Cycle of Apocalypse
John Larison’s new novel The Ancients suggests some societies are built for cataclysm
Don’t We Belong to Nature?
Norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgaard on the inspiration for his latest novel and his turn to sci-fi.
Nihilism with a Purpose
Rachel Kushner’s Creation Lake reveals why politics won’t save us.
The Dark Underbelly of the Near Future
Helen Philips, author of a new work of speculative fiction called Hum, on finding hope in the midst of dystopia.
Ray Kurzweil Still Lives in Utopia
The futurist doubles down on the Singularity in his latest book.
Protecting Artists from Theft by AI
A new strategy for copyrighting a writer’s signature style.
How AI Helped Write a New Novel
Acclaimed writer Mauro Javier Cárdenas used AI in his latest work to surprising effect.
Creative AIs Depend on Creative Humans
In the near future, it may be the other way around.