Issue 042


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There’s a beautiful medley of science, art, and exquisite writing in the new issue of Nautilus. Here are a handful of highlights from Issue 42.

  • Love in My Crumbling Palace of Physics Writer and physicist Bob Henderson goes through the looking glass into the world of QBism, one of the newest and most controversial interpretations of quantum theory. While the article is an adventure through an incredible field of physics, it’s also a personal journey for Henderson. As you will read, love and quantum mechanics collide in Henderson’s story, a quest through science that you could only take in Nautilus.
  • Imaginary Numbers Are Reality Maybe you’re in a philosophical mood and think math is merely “imaginary numbers.” But that’s not quite so, explains science writer Michael Brooks. Math has created our modern world by leading to inventions such as electricity and factories, the Internet, and cell phones. How did we get here? Brooks takes us on a jaunt through math history to explain how imaginary numbers are reality.
  • The Last Word with Anna Machin “I want to know what love is,” goes the famous song. Well, Anna Machin is here to help. The anthropologist explains how evolution came up with “chemical bribery” to drive us into one another’s arms. She explains why love is blind, love is political, and why friends might be the greatest love of all.


These stories are just a sampling of what’s available in the latest issue of the Nautilus print edition, Issue 42.