4 articles-
The Problem with Depression Doping
Mental health is not what you’d call an “exact science.” For example, if two highly trained mental health providers meet privately with the same patient, they will agree 90 percent of the time on diagnosing schizophrenia and 65 to 70 percent of the time on diagnosing a bipolar disorder. But this reliability drops off sharply […] -
What Pushes a Person to Suicide?
In a 2005 review, titled “Dissecting the suicide phenotype: The role of impulsive-aggressive behaviours,” Gustavo Turecki, an expert on suicide at McGill University, argues that impulsivity is a crucial aspect of suicide.Photograph by Andrew Toskin / Flickr Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . One May day five years ago, […] -
Edgar Allan Poe, Part-Time Cosmologist/Big-Bang Philosopher
A daguerrotype of Poe made several months before his death in 1849 Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . During the waning months of 1847, Edgar Allan Poe sat at his desk with a tortoiseshell cat draped around his shoulders and dreamed the universe into being.Poe believed the book he […] -
The Health Costs of our Late-Night Light Addiction
A study at RPI’s Lighting Research Center tested the effects of digital tablets and different colors of light on subjects’ circadian rhythms.Brittany Wood et al. / RPI Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . In the summer of 2012, the American Medical Association (AMA) adopted a new policy stating that […]