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As the waves crash along the shores of Nazaré, Portugal, where the ocean’s power manifests in the towering walls of water, trailblazing big-wave surfer Maya Gabeira has become a symbol of resilience. Having conquered waves that tower beyond 70 feet, her record-breaking feats display human courage amidst nature’s might. 

More than a thousand miles away, Lorenzo Bertelli is thinking deeply about what it means for humans to coexist in a more intentional way with the natural world. As the leader at the helm of sustainability and innovation for the Italy-based fashion powerhouse the Prada Group and as a competitive motorsport driver, he is no stranger to high-stakes challenges. 

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We brought them together for a conversation, in which the two explore the delicate balance between thrill-seeking and sustainability—and their shared dedication to environmental preservation that stems from a deep reverence for the natural world. They illuminate, for example, their joint efforts with UNESCO to protect our oceans for future generations. As Gabeira told Nautilus about undertaking tremendous feats, “It’s one of those things that makes you very present, and it’s a wonderful feeling.”

Like the vast depths of the Nazaré Canyon beneath the surface, their conversation dives deep into the essence of their pursuits, revealing a shared passion for adventure and a profound respect for the planet we all share. In their midst, we find ourselves at the intersection of daring adventure and responsibility to our planet.

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