293 articles-
Your Data’s Strange Undersea Voyage
The internet is a series of tubes. In the ocean. -
What AI Can Do for Your Country
Artificial intelligence could transform how the government works—but it’ll be a daunting transition. -
Speaking With Whales
AI could help us understand what whales are saying. But should we talk back? -
The March of the Mushroom Robots
Scientists are making mycelia-machine hybrids that can crawl and roll. -
In the Beginning, There Was Computation
Life is code, and code is life, in nature as it is in technology. -
How to Solve the Drone Traffic Problem
For a clear path, follow the birds. -
Who’s Smarter: AI or a 5-Year-Old?
A faceoff between the most advanced large language model and a regular kid. -
The Galaxies in Your Eyes
The eyes in deepfake photos give them away. -
A Snaky Use for CRISPR
Indiana Jones would love to hear about this new application for the gene-editing technology. -
The Unpredictability of Life
Why academic outcomes resist machine learning.
A Reality Check on Superhuman AI
What’s missing from a bold new prediction of rapid progress in artificial intelligence.
Color-Coding Crops for Climate Change
Novel ways to use gene-editing to make farming more sustainable.
Consciousness, Creativity, and Godlike AI
American writer Meghan O’Gieblyn on when the mind is alive.
How AI Can Save the Zebras
Scanning animal patterns like bar codes boosts conservation. -
How Quickly Do Large Language Models Learn Unexpected Skills?
A new study suggests that so-called emergent abilities actually develop gradually and predictably, depending on how you measure them. -
How Illegal Fishing Ships Hide
And how conservationists are finding them. -
How to Guarantee the Safety of Autonomous Vehicles
The key to preventing crashes is to know what you don’t know. -
Creative AIs Depend on Creative Humans
In the near future, it may be the other way around.