Brian Gallagher
What Motivates Political Violence?
One question for Katarzyna Jaśko, a social psychologist at Jagiellonian University in Poland.
Are We Ready for the Next Massive Volcano?
It’s time to get prepared, argues a professor of volcanology.
Should NASA Have Its Own Spaceship to Compete with SpaceX and Blue Origin?
One Question for Lori Garver, former deputy administrator of NASA.
Do International Treaties Work?
One question for Mathieu Poirier, an assistant professor of social epidemiology at York University.
How Does Caffeine Shape the Way We Spend Money?
One question for Dipayan Biswas, a professor of marketing at the University of South Florida.
Why Do the Omicron Variants Spread So Easily?
One question for Abdullah Syed, a postdoctoral researcher at the Gladstone Institutes.
Does an AI’s Ability to Talk Mean It’s Conscious?
One question for Raphaël Millière, philosopher of cognitive science at Columbia University.
Overthrowing the Patriarchy Through Ecstatic Sex
Zoologist Lucy Cooke uncovers the sexual power of females in the animal world.
Automatic for the Oceans
A rock trio on the rise is raising environmental awareness.
Thinking Like a Scientist Will Make You Happier
Physicist Jim Al-Khalili explains how to get out from under the cloud of misinformation.