Brian Gallagher
How to Talk Like a Physicist
Theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder, who probably is the smartest person on her block, has fun in her latest video skewering the scientific braggart.Photograph by Francisco De Legarreta C. / Unsplash Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . The other night I was out on our street with the neighbors for […]
Scientists Analyzed 24,000 Chess Matches to Understand Cognition
Chess could perhaps be the ultimate window through which we might see how our mental powers shift during our lives.
Why America Is Ripe for Election Conspiracy Theorizing
One day in 1787, Benjamin Franklin emerged from the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, where the founders were debating the shape of a new government. He was confronted by Elizabeth Willing Powel, a society figure and wife of the Philadelphia mayor. “Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” she asked. “A republic,” Franklin […]
How to Stop Feeling Crushed for Time
Quit worrying whether time is money. Start appreciating time’s true value.
People Are Discovering the Joy of Actually Talking on a Phone
Our hesitation to be close is based on an illusion that our spoken conversations won’t go as well as we hope.
Are You Yoda or Darth Vader?
How to recognize your light and dark sides.
The Brave New World of Chemical Romance
How love drugs will shape the future of our relationships.
A Neuroscientist’s Theory of Everything
Karl Friston takes us on a safari of his free-energy principle.
Summer Won’t Save Us from COVID-19
Why SARS-CoV-2 will threaten us for months to come.
Should Scientists Use the Phrase “Quantum Supremacy”?
Forget for a moment that you know the meaning of “quantum supremacy,” the idea of a quantum computer outdoing its conventional counterpart. What does the phrase instantly bring to mind? Perhaps the idea that the quantum world, with its electrons, neutrons, and quarks, is, somehow, better than ours—more dazzling and awe-inspiring. Or perhaps it’s the […]