Dan Falk

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    What Counts as Consciousness

    Neuroscientist Christof Koch on human minds, AI, and bacteria.

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    Insects and Other Animals May Have Consciousness

    A new consensus emerges.

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    10 Brilliant Insights from Daniel Dennett

    A glimpse of a mind jammed to the rafters with ideas.

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    Audio Feature: The Puzzle of Free Will

    Tune in to an exploration of one of the great quandaries in science and philosophy.

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    Yes, We Have Free Will. No, We Absolutely Do Not

    A volley of new insights reignites the debate over whether our choices are ever truly our own.

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    A Surprising Side of Carl Sagan

    In Contact, the great science advocate posed a religious question about the cosmos.

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    The Simulated World According to David Chalmers

    Don’t worry, even in a simulation, life is still perfectly meaningful.