Steve Paulson
Ingenious: David Krakauer
The systems theorist explains what’s wrong with standard models of intelligence.
Art’s Biggest Wheel Turns Toward Science
Hans-Ulrich ObristTwitter Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . Hans-Ulrich Obrist seems to be everywhere—and it’s not much of an illusion. Widely regarded as the most influential figure in today’s art world, he’s worked with a who’s-who of major artists, from painter Gerhard Richter and sculptor Jeff Koons to performance artist […]
To Understand Religion, Think Football
Sacred beliefs likely arose out of prehistoric bonding and rituals.
Monsters, Marvels, and the Birth of Science
How the unlikely and unexplainable, strange and terrifying, spawned the age of science.
Empathy, Morality, Community, Culture—Apes Have It All
Primatologist Frans de Waal takes exception with human exceptionalism.
The Cosmopolitan Ape
Empathy, morality, community, culture—apes can have it all!