Steve Paulson

  • ING_Krakauer_HERO

    Ingenious: David Krakauer

    The systems theorist explains what’s wrong with standard models of intelligence.

  • Extinction Marathon

    Art’s Biggest Wheel Turns Toward Science

    Hans-Ulrich ObristTwitter Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . Hans-Ulrich Obrist seems to be everywhere—and it’s not much of an illusion. Widely regarded as the most influential figure in today’s art world, he’s worked with a who’s-who of major artists, from painter Gerhard Richter and sculptor Jeff Koons to performance artist […]

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    To Understand Religion, Think Football

    Sacred beliefs likely arose out of prehistoric bonding and rituals.

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    Monsters, Marvels, and the Birth of Science

    How the unlikely and unexplainable, strange and terrifying, spawned the age of science.

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    Empathy, Morality, Community, Culture—Apes Have It All

    Primatologist Frans de Waal takes exception with human exceptionalism.

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    The Cosmopolitan Ape

    Empathy, morality, community, culture—apes can have it all!