4 articles-
Science Is Finally Getting Its Close-up
In case you hadn’t noticed, science is enjoying a renaissance on screen. Not science fiction—that’s always been a silver screen staple—but actual scientists doing actual science. As Nautilus explained in December, in “How We Got from Doc Brown to Walter White,” the fictional scientist, in particular on TV, has evolved from the nutty genius to […] -
How Technology & Tradition Combine to Make Modern Movies
In Nebraska, Phedon Papamichael used an unusual combination of digital and analog technologies to achieve a distinctive look.FilmNation Entertainment / Paramount Vantage This is part three of a three-part series about the movie industry’s switch to digital cameras and what is lost, and gained, in the process. Part one, on the traditional approach to filming movies […] -
What We Lose When Film Cameras Change to Digital Ones
This is part two of a three-part series about the movie industry’s switch to digital cameras and what is lost, and gained, in the process. Part one, on the traditional approach to filming movies and the birth of digital, ran yesterday; part three runs tomorrow. Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now […] -
Are Digital Cameras Changing the Nature of Movies?
If film as a medium is not quite dead, it’s definitely on the endangered list.