10 articles-
Why Black Hole Interiors Grow (Almost) Forever
Reprinted with permission from Quanta Magazine’s Abstractions blog.Leonard Susskind, a pioneer of string theory, the holographic principle, and other big physics ideas spanning the past half-century, has proposed a solution to an important puzzle about black holes. The problem is that even though these mysterious, invisible spheres appear to stay a constant size as viewed from the outside, their interiors keep growing in […] -
Yuval Noah Harari Is Worried About Our Souls
The big-data makeover of humanity could be a recipe for disaster. -
What Defines a Stem Cell?
Our cells have more diverse regenerative capabilities than anyone expected. -
Iron Is the New Cholesterol
Elevated iron is at the center of a web of disease stretching from cancer to diabetes. -
What a Newfound Kingdom Means for the Tree of Life
Reprinted with permission from Quanta Magazine’s Abstractions blog.The tree of life just got another major branch. Researchers recently found a certain rare and mysterious microbe called a hemimastigote in a clump of Nova Scotian soil. Their subsequent analysis of its DNA revealed that it was neither animal, plant, fungus, nor any recognized type of protozoan—that it in fact fell far outside […]
Why We Love Dinosaurs
If museums of natural history are temples to science, dinosaurs are their shrines.