Lee billings

7 articles
  • Jamesburg Earth Station

    The Best Way Yet to Talk to Aliens (If They’re Out There)

    “None knows whence creation arose; And whether he has or has not made it; He who surveys it from the lofty skies. Only he knows—or perhaps not.” Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . This is an edited snippet from a 3,500-year-old Vedic creation myth. I sent each of its […]

  • Desert planet

    Open Your Mind to What an “Earth-Like” Planet Could Be

    You are standing on a sandy plain lit only by the harsh, cold light of a blue-white spark flashing overhead in steady metronomic bursts. The pinprick of light almost seems like a distant star, but each flash raises a disturbing tingling sensation within you, suggesting the stroboscopic light source is somehow nearby, and must be […]