25 articles-
My Lab Uses Ultrasound to Stimulate Unconscious Patients
Ultrasound can be a neuromodulator—to increase or decrease the likelihood that neurons will fire. Exactly how this works remains unclear, but it likely results from the physical “shaking” of neurons.Illustration by Jackie Niam / Shutterstock Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . A few years ago, at Ronald Reagan UCLA […] -
The Woman Who Got Lost at Home
A developmental disorder promises a new window onto the brain’s secrets. -
A Vaccine for Depression?
Ketamine’s remarkable effect bolsters a new theory of mental illness. -
Caitlyn Jenner and Our Cognitive Dissonance
While biology shows us gender can be fluid, our brains struggle to see it that way. -
Here’s Why Your Brain Seems Mostly Dormant
The brilliant compromise between efficiency and ability in your head.
Can Science Tell Us What Beauty Is?
Neuroscientist Anjan Chatterjee takes us into the neurology of creativity.
This Is Your Brain on Silence
Contrary to popular belief, peace and quiet is all about the noise in your head.
Ingenious: Robert Sapolsky
The primatologist and neurologist talks turbulence—teens, stress, and the information age.
Dude, Where’s My Frontal Cortex?
There’s a method to the madness of the teenage brain. -
Michio Kaku Explains Consciousness for You
The gregarious physicist gets inside our brains. -
Picasso and Einstein Got the Picture
Breakthroughs in science and art begin with an image. -
Building the Perfect Painkiller
Inside the quest to conquer addictive drugs. -
Ants Swarm Like Brains Think
A neuroscientist studies ant colonies to understand feedback in the brain.