Social media

8 articles
  • Article Recirculation Lead Image

    Does Social Media Poison Everything?

    We have far less control over our behavior than we like to think.
  • lonely app_HERO

    Feeling Lonely? There’s an App for That

    The phone rang; a woman answered. Our awkward opening was brief. “This is my first time,” I said. “I’m not sure how this is supposed to go.” She said she’d be happy to listen. I’d just pressed a button in an app on my phone. The app’s red screen was cheerful, outdoorsy—there were smiling, hip […]
  • blaming 2016_HERO

    Why We Love to Blame 2016

    You may have noticed it by now: the—I guess I’ll call it an impulse—to anthropomorphize “2016.” It began gradually. First, we objectified it, likening it to a disturbing film, a force of nature, broken hardware. As Slate put it:In trying to wrap our heads around 2016’s all-reason-and-logic–defying onslaught of tragedy and absurdity, we objectified the […]
  • sailboat

    Tell Us Your Astonishingly Unlikely Story

    Everybody has that one story they tell. That one incredibly unlikely thing that, had it not happened to them, they might not even believe. They found the only other person on a deserted mountain in China, and it was a long-lost friend from high school. They escaped being struck by lightning only because they dropped […]
  • Article Recirculation Lead Image

    A Crowdsourced Expert Interview

    Nautilus readers delve further into the idea that metaphors make us human.