Mark MacNamara
The Bittersweet Science
Boxing is reputed to fight Parkinson’s Disease. I put on the gloves to find out.
Why People Feel Like Victims
Getting to the core of today’s social acrimony.
I Am a Heroin User. I Do Not Have a Drug Problem
Carl Hart says drug addiction is often distorted by scientists and the media.
How Psilocybin Can Save the Environment
To preserve nature, we need to open our minds to it.
T. Rex Was a Slacker
A natural wonder of the big theropod was how it conserved energy.
A Window on Africa’s Resilience
We called Greg Carr the other day to talk about the spread of the coronavirus in Africa. Carr, who has been featured in Nautilus, is the founder of the Gorongosa Restoration Project, a partnership with the Mozambique government to revive Gorongosa National Park, that environmental treasure trove at the southern end of the Rift Valley. […]
The Unintended Beauty of Starlings
Those wondrous, undulating flocks are stirred by predators.
We Need to Talk About Peat
Earth’s great storehouses of carbon are looking ominous.
The Artist of the Unbreakable Code
Composer Edward Elgar still has cryptographers playing his tune.
The Artist of the Unbreakable Code
Composer Edward Elgar still has cryptographers playing his tune.