Susie Neilson
Science Should Be Totally Beautiful
Felice Frankel lives between the lines. Along with being a part-time science photographer, she’s a researcher at the Center for Materials Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . “As a photographer,” Frankel says, “I look for edges.” Her previous career, as […]
What It’s Like to Be a Female Gravity Wave Hunter
Chiara Mingarelli can count herself as a successful scientist. She is a Marie Curie Fellow at Caltech, and a former visiting scholar at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Her area of research, hunting for gravitational waves using distant stars, is at one of the forefronts of cosmology. Her scientific work has been cited in nearly 1,000 […]
This College Student Is Writing Women Back into the History of Science
Emily Temple-Wood has written approximately one Wikipedia article every ten days since she was 12 years old, totaling around 330. The work of the 21-year-old undergraduate, studying molecular biology at Loyola University of Chicago, unabashedly exposes sexism—and in the process, has exposed her to some of it. Temple-Wood’s output has made her the target of […]
How a Country’s Land Shapes Its Language
To Hawaiian speakers, vowels reign supreme. Only eight consonants exist in the language’s 13-letter alphabet, so most of its meaning is derived from oohs and aahs, ohs and eehs. One might say Hawaiian sounds a lot like the sea that surrounds it; the bulk of its words are simple and spare, flowing smoothly from vowel […]
Does Singing to Sea Snails Really Draw Them Out?
As a child in Maine, I spent a lot of time exploring the tide pools jutting out from Rice Point, the beach where my extended family hosted noisy lobster picnics. Every so often I would unstick a periwinkle (Littorina littorea), a common kind of sea snail, from a rock, let it tumble into my palm, […]
Meet the World’s Most Notorious Taxonomist
Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . In 2005, the taxonomist Quentin Wheeler named a trio of newly discovered slime-mold beetles after George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney. He believed the names could increase public interest in the discovery and classification of new species, and help combat […]
Why Our Universe Doesn’t Have a Birthday
Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . The main elements of the Big Bang model are “easily listed,” says Jim Peebles, the Albert Einstein Professor Emeritus of Science at Princeton. The model holds that the large-scale structure of the cosmos is expanding faster and faster and that, on average, […]
Why the Teenage Brain Isn’t Built for Solitary Confinement
Johnny Perez was 16-years old when he was arrested for gun possession and admitted to Riker’s Island. Within months, he did his first round of solitary confinement: 60 days in a 60 square-foot cell. The punishment was for fighting to use the telephone. Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . […]
How to Survive Solitary Confinement
An ex-convict on how to set your mind free.
Is Japanese Culture Traumatized By Centuries of Natural Disaster?
The effects of centuries of natural disaster may be most obvious in Japanese culture.