
28 articles
  • FSR_Friedman_HERO


    Inside the Mind of a Caricaturist

    The “Caricature Generator” is a computer program that takes an image of a person’s face, finds its differences as compared to the “average” male face, and then exaggerates them in a novel rendering of the original portrait. Each face is broken up into 37 lines and 169 points—the differences come when the subject’s points don’t […]

  • bearcloseup


    Conservationists Are Learning How To Use a Pretty Face

    This August, German photographer Kerstin Langenberger posted a photo to Facebook of a frail polar bear, evidently starved, adrift among the disappearing ice. In the photo’s caption, she blamed global warming for the bear’s malnutrition and for the death of many others she’d seen. Articles featuring Langenberger’s commentary and photo followed soon after, with headlines […]

  • survivor


    Why Is “Survivor” Still on Television?

      Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . Exactly four months and 31 days into what was, at that time, still being called “The New Millennium,” CBS aired the first-ever episode of Survivor. Bill Clinton was still in office, the NASDAQ Composite Index had just peaked at 5,048, and the […]

  • blackfriday


    How Black Friday Got Its Name

    Shutterstock/PremiumVector Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . As legend has it, it takes most of the year for a retail business to become profitable. After months of being “in the red,” in November they are finally “in the black.” This phrase has been used in this way since 1922. […]

  • young workers


    Here’s Why Millennials Really Aren’t That Different

    Shutterstock/ Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . By the year 2020 five separate generations will occupy the workplace: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen 2020. In just five years, the newest person hired at a company could be working right next to her great grandfather. This half-century […]

  • Article Image


    How Our Words Affect Our Thoughts on Race and Gender

    Can a person who is biologically male really be female? What about someone who is born white but doesn’t feel that way—can she become black? Intelligent adults can disagree passionately on these questions of identity, as evident in the back-and-forth discussion over the recent cases of Caitlyn Jenner, a transgender woman, and Rachel Dolezal, a […]