
29 articles
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    Why People Feel Misinformed, Confused, and Terrified About the Pandemic

     When I worked as a TV reporter covering health and science, I would often be recognized in public places. For the most part, the interactions were brief hellos or compliments. Two periods of time stand out when significant numbers of those who approached me were seeking detailed information: the earliest days of the pandemic that […]

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    A Window on Africa’s Resilience

     We called Greg Carr the other day to talk about the spread of the coronavirus in Africa. Carr, who has been featured in Nautilus, is the founder of the Gorongosa Restoration Project, a partnership with the Mozambique government to revive Gorongosa National Park, that environmental treasure trove at the southern end of the Rift Valley. […]

  • Fuller_HERO

    What’s Missing in Pandemic Models

    Philosophy is needed to put the science of COVID-19 in perspective.

  • Livio_HERO

    How Science Trumps Denial

    Scientists putting their career and health on the line can take heart from Galileo.

  • Jones_HERO

    Don’t Fear the Robot

    I invented Roomba and assure you, robots won’t take over the world.

  • Davies_HERO

    We Aren’t Selfish After All

    In turbulent times, people go from “me” thinking to “we” thinking.