5 articles-
Welcome to the Unpredictable Era of Editing Human Embryos
Headlines and apocalyptic notions about designer babies proliferated last month after Chinese scientists published the results of a curious set of experiments on human embryos. The researchers were looking to understand whether gene-editing technology could correct, before birth, a malformed gene that can cause a potentially devastating blood disease. They found that the method introduced new […] -
Why Our Genome and Technology Are Both Riddled With “Crawling Horrors”
“Add little to little and there will be a big pile.” —Ovid Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . When we build complex technologies, despite our best efforts and our desire for clean logic, they often end up being far messier than we intend. They often end up kluges: inelegant solutions […] -
For Preventing Disease, Data Are the New Drugs
Is giving up your biological secrets too bitter a pill? -
My Family’s Decade in Genetic Limbo
Personal DNA testing may yet deliver on its promise. -
The Genome in Turmoil
Hope your week went well. It might have changed your genetics.