
19 articles
  • Falk_HERO

    The Multiple Multiverses May Be One and the Same

    If multiverses seem weird, it’s because we need to revamp our notions of time and space.

  • Wharton_HERO

    To Understand Your Past, Look to Your Future

    An alternative to the Newtonian worldview promises to help explain quantum weirdness.

  • fallingwater mike dipompeo

    Fallingwater: A Building That Bonds With Nature and Dances With Time

    A visit to Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous American home.

  • Nebra Sky Disk

    The Amazing Sky Calendar That Ancients Used to Track Seasons

    The Nebra Sky Disk photographed in Basel, Switzerland, in 2006Dbachmann via Wikipedia Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now .   Henry Westphal is tired. It’s July 4, 1999, a Sunday. He and a friend are climbing the Mittelberg or “Central Hill,” a small mountain near Nebra, in central Germany. Both […]

  • Refusal of Time

    The Ends of Time, in Art and Science

    In Gallery 919, in New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, there is a giant breathing machine. Its creator, William Kentridge, calls it “the elephant,” after Charles Dickens’s description of factory machines that move “monotonously up and down, like the head of an elephant in a state of melancholy madness.” On the walls surrounding the elephant […]

  • Time Capsule

    Here’s Our Cutting-Edge, Crowdsourced Imaginary Time Capsule

    Humans have long had a desire to capture the now—to freeze the current moment to look back on after it has left us. We painted, wrote things down, developed photography and storage systems, and built vast libraries of books and images. In 1939, during the New York World’s Fair, Westinghouse introduced the first-ever “time capsule” […]

  • Article Recirculation Lead Image

    Where Did Time Come From, and Why Does It Seem to Flow?

    ASU Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . Paul Davies has a lot on his mind—or perhaps more accurate to say in his mind. A physicist at Arizona State University, he does research on a wide range of topics, from the abstract fields of theoretical physics and cosmology to the […]
  • Hong Kong at night

    Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness, But Time Just Might Do It

    While on vacation in distant locales, people often find that time moves quite differently than in the places they’re used to. In the tropics, we settle into the grooves of “island time” and relax thanks to a more leisurely rhythm. A trip to a big city can leave us exhilarated but also drained by the […]
  • Article Recirculation Lead Image

    Imagine a World With One Universal Time Zone…

    A warped photo of Big Ben. Alan Cleaver via Flickr Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . Earlier this month, the chief minister of the Indian state of Assam, Tarun Gogoi, started something of a brouhaha with a bold pronouncement on the generally sleepy topic of time zones. “We need […]
  • looking into sextant

    What Would You Put in a Science Time Capsule?

    It’s 2014: Sixty-one years since the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA. Four hundred seventy one years since Copernicus published the heliocentric model of the universe. And one year since the Higgs Boson was discovered. In 100 years, how will we look back on today’s science? Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in […]
  • Tegmark_HERO

    Life Is a Braid in Spacetime

    How to see yourself in a world where only math is real.