
28 articles
  • gum control

    The Case for Common Sense Gum-Control

      Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . To walk the streets of New York and think about all the little black spots on the sidewalks is a little like pondering the stars in the night sky: How many people must have walked this way, deciding at just this moment […]
  • bowheadwhale

    The Oldest, Coldest Mammals May Be Some of the Best Prepared for Climate Change

    Tim Melling/Getty Images Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . The Arctic they grew up in is unrecognizable, but bowhead whales are oddly calm. They appear to be unexpectedly benefitting from the warmer, less icy climate that has emerged over the past decade. Last month, it was announced that the Arctic in 2015 reached […]
  • spacesuit on sMars

    Stress on Simulated Mars Was Not What I Expected

    For 6 crewmembers who have supposedly traveled 150 million miles—and were, beforehand, complete strangers—we have remarkably little space. For more than 100 days we’ve been conducting NASA-sponsored studies at HI-SEAS—Hawai’i Space Exploration Analog and Simulation—8,000 feet above sea level, in a dome around the size of a 3-bedroom apartment without real-time communication, to help understand […]
  • walking dead

    Here’s Where “The Walking Dead” Goes Wrong With Zombies

    Bill Clark/Getty Images Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . Rick Grimes is cornered. A walker shuffles toward him, thoughtless yet eager for flesh. Sweat drips through Grimes’ thick beard, grown in the hundreds of fearful days and nights since the dead started to roam the earth. He quickly reaches […]
  • fink thumb

    You Have At Least This Many Identities

      Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . Liana Finck’s cartoons appear in the New Yorker. Her graphic novel, A Bintel Brief, was published in 2014.
  • bullbear

    A Real-Life Trader Talks About “The Big Short”

    After watching The Big Short, I felt I had a decent grasp on the causes of the 2008 financial crisis. The film, which is being released across the United States today, is based on the book by Michael Lewis, and describes how a few prescient financiers bet against the debt bubble and made millions. Nautilus […]

  • Eremets_HERO

    Superconductivity for Siberia

    How we broke the world record in high-temperature superconductors.

  • morestress

    Do You Actually Need More Stress?

    PathDoc/Shutterstock Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . There’s a New Yorker cartoon that shows a doctor telling the patient lying in bed, “I don’t think you’re getting enough stress.”The cartoon is funny because it plays on the idea that stress is bad—how absurd is it that a doctor would […]

  • public speaking hero

    Your Speech Is Packed With Misunderstood, Unconscious Messages

    Imagine standing up to give a speech in front of a critical audience. As you do your best to wax eloquent, someone in the room uses a clicker to conspicuously count your every stumble, hesitation, um and uh; once you’ve finished, this person loudly announces how many of these blemishes have marred your presentation. Nautilus […]

  • kidholdingbrain

    How Poverty Changes Kids’ Brains

    Hill Street Studios/Getty Images Nautilus Members enjoy an ad-free experience. Log in or Join now . When children grow up in poverty, their brains can take a different shape. That’s one of the stark and uncomfortable findings from the lab of Kimberly Noble, a pediatrician and cognitive neuroscientist at Teachers College, Columbia University. Noble has […]

  • Curry_HERO-F.

    Why Living in a Poor Neighborhood Can Make You Fat

    The sheer stress of an environment contributes to obesity and diabetes.